CITY OF CAPE TOWN 31 MAY 2022 MEDIA RELEASE City commences with its annual Water and Sanitation services customer survey The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Directorate conducts a survey amongst its residents and businesses across the city annually to assess...
PUBLIC NOTICE: PROPOSED TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF KEI APPLE ROAD BETWEEN KLOOF ROAD AND QUENDON ROAD Notice is hereby given in terms of the City of Cape Town Immovable PropertyBy-law, 2015 that members of the public are given an opportunity to comment on the proposed...
The City intends to adjust the Budget for the period July 2022 – June 2023 that reflects key policy decisions and priorities, determines rates increases and indicates where money will be spent on programmes and services. Purpose of the draft Budget 2022-2023 You are...
Residents and interested and affected parties are encouraged to comment on proposed changes to the recreational use of the Sea Point Promenade by 10 April 2022. The changes aim to make this public space safer and more enjoyable for everyone by reducing conflict...
Chairman-and-Chief-Operations-Officers-Report-2021Download CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICERS REPORT 2021 Chairman and Chief Operations Officer’s Report 2021 After another successful year of creating a safe and prosperous environment for the Sea Point...